
May 11, 2011

Not Working is Quite a Workout!

I am now in my second week of 'chillaxin", as my daughter calls it.  Today, after our brisk 30 minute morning walk with Millie and a homemade breakfast with my hubby, I did an upper body workout.  Only I didn't go to the gym.  Instead, I stepped out my front door, with my new loppers that David got me for Mother's Day, and began trimming our oaks and palms.  OK, in fairness to my husband, he did not give the super nice loppers (with extension handles!) to me for Mother's Day.  He bought them on Mother's Day and when he brought them in the house, jokingly said "Happy Mother's Day!"  He learned his lesson a long time ago about giving such gifts to me for special occasions!  Anyway, I promise you, this is not an work out that can be duplicated in a gym!! 

I admit to the fact that I haven't done any overhead anything, with the exception of blow drying my hair, in a very long time.  It felt great!  I don't know about you, but to me, there is nothing better than being in the outdoors.  It makes doing anything better.  Kind of like how butter makes everything taste better, so you use it every chance you get.  Well, the same goes for the outdoors, if I can do something out in the fresh air, then that is where you will find me.  It was a beautiful morning here in Vero Beach.  Perfect for yard work.  My front yard looks so much better, with the exception of the huge pile of limbs and fronds out by my curb for pick up tomorrow morning.  I am sure that the yard waste guys will be just as excited about all that I accomplished, as I am!  Yeah...

So I have noticed that the lack of inactivity, eating healthy home cooked meals, and absence of stress is paying off!  I have already been able to put on clothes that I could not have fit into two weeks ago.  Score!  I went to get my hair cut at 11:30 today, and started getting hungry.  I was about to pull into a McDonald's to get a small fry and sweet tea to hold me over.  Then I realized I hadn't had ANY restaurant food in the last 13 days, (thus the lack of bloating!) and it hit me, if I do this, I will probably feel like crap!  So, I decided to proceed to my hairdresser's and wait until I got home to eat.  I have to tell you that I get pretty crabby when I am hungry.  But when I walked in to her shop, Liz, my very outspoken hairdresser, was amazed at how good I looked and that I was smiling.  That helped keep the crabbiness at bay until I got home!  Thanks, Liz...I think.  (If you are keeping count with me, that is the third comment about my lack of smiling in the past.)  She must have been real excited to see me walk through the door before!!  Bless her heart!  I love Liz!

Another comment on lunch today.  You should have seen the look on David's face when I told him that he would have to heat something up for lunch today because I might not be home from my haircut in time.  He immediately stopped what he was doing and looked at me with this look (I think his lower lip actually curled a little!), and in a barely audible tone said "Bu...wha...I...what??"  I couldn't help but laugh!  He was so cute and truly disappointed that I wouldn't be home.

Well, honey, don't get too used to the idea of me being here every day for lunch!  At some point I have to get a job of some kind.  But for now, I think I will go heat up one of those nice little "not as bad for you" Tuscan Lemon Muffins I made yesterday, and have it with my 3:00 cuppa hot tea.  And, since it is still such a lovely day outside, I think I will put a little butter on it and enjoy it outside on my patio! 


  1. Hehe. I really like this post! Especially the references to butter. :) Glad things are turning around. I guess the only good thing about people's comments on not smiling is that they can tell you because you're all grins now!

    I want a muffin. *pout*

  2. Hi!

    If Hannah is your daughter, I'm sure I'll love your blog. :)
    Congrats on willpower, and passing over McD's. I did the opposite, and ate licorice and Friday's pizza chips, and was wishing I had just waited until I got home. I'm back on track for dinner though...

    Regarding the M.D. gift-
    A close friend of mine had her husband give her an ironing board as their anniversary present. She was not a happy camper, but he didn't seem upset at all, and told her to look closer. He had attached some really pretty pearl earrings on the ironing board. (Making up for last years chip bowl purchase.) :)

    Oh, and the hubby food thing? It must be a general thing unless they know how to cook.
